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If by any chance you find this blog....

      ... let me tell you that here you can find some homemade specialties made ​​by me.


Portuguese Sea

Oh, briny sea,
how much of your acridity
is tears of the Portuguese!
So that we might sail you,
how many mothers wailed,

How many sons

prayed to no avail!

How many young women in bloom
turned agèd girls

That you migh be
ours, ocean blue!
Was it worth our plight?
If the soul bo not petty,
it bears whit grace each sacrifice.

He who desires
to pass the cap
must a painful
price pay.
God to the sea made gifts
of danger and abyss,
so that it might also
mirror the heavenly skies.

Fernando Pessoa
(Portuguese Poet)


I am a Portuguese girl, with a taste for traditional cuisine, which is engaged in leisure time at home to do some specialties, such as Liqueurs, the "Desassossego" (Restlessness), the "Sem Culpa" (Not Guilty), and some traditional jams.


The name of the blog "Número 54", can be translated as "number 54", and corresponds to the number of my grandparents' house, in a small village, today historical village in southern Portugal.

In this house I spent many of my holidays as a child, and then I got this taste for such delicacies that I present you.


You can contact me through my email, and then I can give you all the information you need.



The liqueurs are made by me, by hand, and taking advantage, where possible, of the natural products that some local producers have in excess.

Here you can find:

- Carob liquor (fruit typical of southern Portugal)

- Strawberry liquor

- Lemon liqueur

- Raspberry liquor

- Winter liqueur (pumpkin and spices)

- Crato Liquor  (exclusive recipe)

- Quince liqueur

- Pomegranate liqueur

- "Poejos" Liquor (aromatica herb used  in Southern Portugal)

- Tangerine and cinnamon liqueur

- Tangerine and "poejos" liqueur

- Blackberry liqueur

Bottles of 100 ml


DESASSOSSEGO (Restlessness)

This is really a  Restlessness specialty.

It is a mix of sweet and salty.

To be consumed as an aperitif (simple or with cheese) or for eating with meat or fish, grilled or baked.

Or as your imagination dictates ...

Handcrafted by me.

The recipes were achieved by making a collection for my childhood memories.

The available "Desassossegos":

-  "Desassossego" of Apple and Blueberry

-  "Desassossego" Tomato and Spices

Bottles of 138 ml or 370 ml

Bottles of 138 ml or 370 ml

SEM CULPA (Not Guilty)

Homemade jam without added sugar
- Adapted to diabetic -

The jams "Sem Culpa" are made with natural products, no added sugar, which means that they can be consumed by diabetics.

The fact that no sugar is added in their preparation, makes them able to consume by anyone , even when not diabetic, because they are very healthy.
Its composition is just fruit, fructose, and in some cases, some spices, such as cinnamon.

Like all products in the Número-54, the ingredients are carefully chosen, and the fruit used is, whenever possible,  from local producers.

The type of jam "Sem Culpa", varies depending on seasons of the year, what allow us to take advantage of what nature offers us in each season.

Now I have "Sem Culpa" of Strawberry, and Apple-Cinnamon.
Bottles of 138 ml

Bottles of 138 ml


Traditional Homemade Jams

The "Número-54" Jams are made by hand, combined the best ingredients available in each season.
Whenever possible, the fruit used in the design of jams is acquired from small local producers.

The Jams:

- Pumpkin, Orange and Spices

- Apple - Cinnamon

- Strawberry
- Pear

- Chocolate and Pear

Bottles of 138 ml

Bottles of 138 ml

Bottles of 138 ml

Bottles of 138 ml

Bottles of 138 ml

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